Wednesday, March 19, 2008


We have arrived....sort of! On Thursday night I couldn't seem to get warm no matter how many blankets I piled on, and on Friday morning I realized why...the dreaded crud was hitting. I was the infected person that crawled on the plane, and I hate that! I tried to confine myself and used lots of disinfectant. Interestingly enough, I was just finishing a book about the plague in London during the mid-1660's. I made sure I didn't leave any of my clothing onboard :-) So here I am, it's now Wednesday, and I am shot up full of prednisone to get a handle on my asthma and quite sure I have done damage to my ribs since I find it difficult to breathe and when I feel a cough coming on it's necessary to brace myself, preferably in a doorway with pillows on each side of that's difficult. Do we wish we were still in MX?  YES!

We arrived home to a bunch of work being done. A new water-catchment system is being put in's actually a small pond that our garage roof will drain into and the back of the garage area is being graded and dug up to hold lots of garden and plants. It's all very exciting. The front of our house has a large barren looking area that is being changed!

Lefty is busy preparing for a show he'll be performing at the San Juan Community Theatre with two of his the "BIG" room this time! This conformation of musicians is called Uncle Otto and they play sweet music that tugs at your hearts and memories with wonderful playing and harmonies. I hope everyone that lives here comes.


Anonymous said...

Your trip is over already? I was hoping you were going to post more photos of your neighborhood and your home and the waves and the beaches.

I'm still trying to get some people in the community excited about discussing the issues on my discussion forum. Interestingly the San Juan islander online newspaper refused to accept advertising for my discussion group. In fact she has yanked our previous advertisement promoting our live cameras and refuses to communicate with me.

Here is just a micro example of how the gatekeepers of information use their powers to influence the public mind.

Anonymous said...

what happened to the blog!!!!