Saturday, February 2, 2008

12 days to lift off ... Will it fit? Will it go?

Today we try to pack it all in and see if it fits. The "pile" in the living room is growing by leaps and bounds. Every day a new box arrives with some item that either I, or someone else, feel is necessary for life and each time I look out the window at the Chevy (as yet unnamed), it appears to have lost some girth.

There are certain things I KNOW FOR SURE....first is that my body will no longer "share" the passenger seat with all those last minute things that my legs and feet would wrap around for the long road trips of the past....and second is that none of it is truly necessary and the only things that REALLY have to fit in is us and the clothes needed to make the trip down....perhaps a toothbrush and some deodorant....but that's it....other than my hair products....and oh yes, the guitar and amp...oh, and our new croc flip-flops (fasten your seatbelt Celia)....and my books as well as the Bose? Somehow it will work.

And as I said before....more shall be revealed...

Yes, gone are the days of hitting the road with $50, a cooler full of "refreshments", a case of "road trip tapes" and a change of duds. Now we have a box of maps and guide books from AAA that is sizeable and will probably not make the cut (see paragraph above) in its full form, a bag of all the medications...prilosec (double prescription now, since we BOTH are taking it), a plethora of puffers as well as a backup of antibiotics (should my asthma turn ugly), all that stuff that keeps you regular or from being too regular and, of course, lots of Tylenol to maintain the pain level caused from sitting/standing/lying/whatever for any length of time over 20 minutes.


Anonymous said...

I have my car top cargo box that I used on my road trip for sale. It has locks and fits heaps of crap inside. interested?

Anonymous said...

Chevy Cavalier = CC Rider