Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Monday...second day in Mexico

We entered the country on Sunday.  There was no immigration staff when we crossed the border in Tijuana and we drove south to Encenada where we planned n getting our visa.  This gave us our first Mexican moment of the trip.  We found the immigration office with no hassle (thank you Billy) and found window #1, the window for those of us who entered the country by land.  There was a big sign telling us that we would be fined 53 pesos for each day, per person, we were in the country without a visa...ok...not a big deal.  We are then told that we have to go to a bank to pay our fine...the fellow across the way that takes the money for the visa could not take our fine money.  We are given a MAP! to go to the bank, go there, pay our fine and come back to the immigration office.  We now have to go to window #5 to pay for our visa and then told to go back to window #1 to actually get the stamp.  Why oh why is it all so .... never mind... it's their country and their rules.

The road is beautiful and narrow and so far, not as scary as we thought it would be.  Althought there is a new twist to things....apparently Lefty is a very good moniker for Steve...he loves to be in the left lane...even if it's a 2-lane road....and driving anywhere from 70-80 MPH.  When I commented about the speed he said he feels he is fulfilling a childhood fantasy of race car driving.  The problem is, CC "the car with no name" Rider is not a race car nor is he a child...or...never mind.  

We spent the night in Catavina, a small town in the middle of huge boulder fields....amazing!

More shall be revealed!

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