Sunday, February 24, 2008

I was anticipating change, but this..

I knew this would be a life-altering experience, after all, this is the beginning of the next phase of our life, and believe me, a doozy. But this?  Come on...a look rather beatific, don't you think?
Tom (El Biggo Wiggo), Georgia (Panchita) and Dave (Peligroso Dabeed [phoentic]) arrived on Friday night at about 8:30, tossing aside all those "don't ever drive at night" warnings  about Mexican roads.  Of course, it's better they drove at night...were it light they would have been frightened by all the little shrines along the road designating where various souls had perished while driving at night along Mexican roads. Oh well, they never did throw out their hippie manuals, even though they outwardly look very responsible.

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